пятница, 16 сентября 2016 г.

#263 - Dead Dollz Norma & The Liaison Collaborative, Essenz - Andorra & Whore Couture Fair, enVOGUE - HAIR Ashley, Nomore

HEAD - LeLutka Mesh Head-SIMONE
BODY - Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
HAIR - enVOGUE - HAIR Ashley - Diversity new~
PULLOVER - .::Dead Dollz::. Norma Turtleneck - Pink Event The Liaison Collaborative September 7-30
CAPRI - .::Dead Dollz::. Norma Capris - Blue Event The Liaison Collaborative September 7-30
SHOES - Essenz - Andorra (Rose Quartz) Event Whore Couture Fair 6 September 10-October 1
POSES - .Nomore. Morning News (.Nomore. Morning News 8)


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